Monday, October 3, 2016

Blog #6: Developing a New Identity Kit

Being a college student required the acquisition of a new discourse. Like I wrote about on my Blog #5, we are all part of a discourse community that is the SDSU student body. Joining this discourse community also meant developing a new identity kit because unless you were a complete badass in high school, I'm pretty positive that most of us want to abandon that juvenile version of ourselves and blossom into the educated young adults that college is supposed to help us become. 
During my freshman year I was feeling multitude emotions because of all the uncertainty of being in a new environment. This is my third and final year of college and I'm nowhere near to even reaching my final form. I've changed and learned so much about myself that I'm completely unrecognizable from my high school but I'm still really young (the ripe age of 20) and have a lot of room for growth and maturity.

During these past two and a half years I've learned about the importance of having a college education and how much of privilege it is. I've become so appreciative of my parent's who invested in my education so I can have a better future for myself and not be a complete and total scrub. I try to work as hard as I can but I won't lie I definitely have moments where I just lose hope in my my own abilities and try to find an easy way out.

I think that the most important addition to my identity kit that I've acquired since joining this discourse community is the diligence that it takes to keep on keeping on. We should just be like Miley and always believe that "We can't stop and won't stop" in the pursuit of a higher education (YIKES I SOUND SO CHEESY but its true though) and better versions of ourselves.
In due time we will all walk across the stage with our red stoles, black gowns, and blinged out caps but that's not til after we get past the shitstorm (pardon my French) that is our undergrad.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Salena! A lot of people say that college Is a very hard and stressful section of our life, but like you have said, college will help us become young educated adults. I agree that freshmen year you do end up feeling different types of emotions and for me, it was because I was around a new environment, had to adapt to a new lifestyle and the community was a lot different, at least from community college. Wow you only took three years to graduate? That’s great! You must have put in a lot of work to achieve that type of success. This is my 2nd to last semester of college however, I did like four years of community college. I didn’t really rush things. I was young (still am,23) had a plan, but also wanted to enjoy these years since they are the most important ones. But like you said, we are still young and have plenty of room for growth and maturity. Can’t wait to see what life has in store!

    -Orlando Galan

  3. I really liked how you are aware of how much you've grown in the past years, and at the same time it's not your " final form." The way you see college with such positivity is admirable. I think it's important to understand college doesn't just serve to help us academically, but it also helps us grow as people. It's not all fun and games. The situations we go through in our undergraduate years can be extremely stressful (to the point of throwing the towel), but like you said we learn to "keep on keeping on."

    -Joel Richardson
